80 Grit Crystals

From diminishing acne scars to minimizing pores, microdermabrasion provides many advantages over harsh chemical and surgical treatments. Using microdermabrasion to exfoliate the face and body is a safe way to promote healthier, rejuvenated skin. Microdermabrasion improves dull skin and rids acne scars and other blemishes by removing dead skin cells from the epidermis. Combining an abrasive buff with increased circulation makes microdermabrasion exfoliation the leading skincare regimen for balanced skin complexion, tone, and color.

NeedCrystals provides 99.4% pure, dust-free aluminum oxide crystals. All NeedCrystals microdermabrasion crystals are a safe, non-toxic crystalline compound that is compatible with all skin types.

The large 80 grit aluminum oxide size renders a rough exfoliation that is more abrasive than the 100 or 120 grit crystals. This magnitude is ideal for thick facial skin and other dense bodily tissues. Available in 50 and 100-lbs, NeedCrystals provides wholesale packages for manufacturers, dermatologists, and beauty spas for all of their microdermabrasion needs. By mixing the microdermabrasion crystals with a cream, administer a professional quality exfoliation that is safe and effective.

Though the 80 grit aluminum oxide crystals are larger, they are still perfectly structured. Perfectly structured crystals are crucial when exfoliating because they do not pierce the skin. Some materials like sugar or salt can scratch the skin causing irritation, redness, and swelling. NeedCrystals products increases circulation to promote brighter skin and keeps skin feeling smooth..

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