How does microdermabrasion work?

Microdermabrasion is a skincare treatment that exfoliates dead skin cells and promotes healthy skin appearance and elasticity. Using fine granules, the abrasion serves to buff the outer layer of the skin and increase circulation. Over time, microdermabrasion can help eliminate fine lines, acne, scars, blemishes, and sunspots.

What is aluminum oxide?

Aluminum oxide is a safe, non-toxic crystalline compound used for microdermabrasion. NeedCrystals sources extra fine white aluminum oxide crystals from dust-free environments in Brazil and France.

What are grit sizes?

Microdermabrasion crystals are available in 80 grit, 100 grit, and 120 grit sizes. Each size distinguishes sensitivity levels and are indicators of granule size. Larger sizes are fine and gentle, while smaller sizes are coarser and more abrasive. For first time users, NeedCrystals recommends the 120 grit microdermabrasion crystals.

What is special about microdermabrasion crystals?

Many exfoliant products are comprised of ingredients such as sugar, salt, or ground walnut or apricot seeds. As such, these exfoliants are imperfectly rounded and have ridged edges that can leave miniscule scratches across the skin, causing irritation, congested pores, and swelling.

Since NeedCrystals microdermabrasion crystals are based from aluminum oxide, the granules are pure, perfectly round, and unobtrusive. This allows for a gentle exfoliation that leaves skin rejuvenated, refreshed, and renewed.

Is microdermabrasion good for your skin?

Microdermabrasion is intended to improve skin appearance, elasticity, and overall health. Its primary use is to eliminate fine lines, acne, and scars through the removal of dead skin cells.

Is microdermabrasion good for sensitive skin?

Microdermabrasion is for all skin types and ages. For users under the age of 18, handle with adult supervision.

How often can I use the microdermabrasion crystals?

For optimal results, the NeedCrystals microdermabrasion crystals should be used once or twice a week. Allowing the skin to recover between exfoliation, promotes stimulated growth of healthy skin cells and circulation. Noticeable improvement in skin tone may appear after five to six weeks.

How can I prepare for microdermabrasion?

A few microdermabrasion tips include: Avoid smoking, ingesting aspirin, applying glycolic acid skin care products, sunbathing, and other harmful practices that leave the skin more sensitive and damaged than usual.

Is microdermabrasion safe?

Microdermabrasion skin care treatments are completely pain-free and gentle enough to use on sensitive skin. If you experience discomfort or extreme swelling, consult with a dermatologist before further use.

Is microdermabrasion effective?

Though major skin restructuring is difficult to achieve by any means, microdermabrasion has been proven to contribute to consistent skin tone and clearer complexion. Maintaining a routine of bi-weekly microdermabrasion can help to achieve healthier skin and culminate in noticeable benefits.

How to use microdermabrasion crystals at home?

After cleansing the skin of excess dirt and oil, gently exfoliate in a circular motion while distributing soft and even pressure across the skin. Wash away excess product with warm water and pat dry to avoid irritation. Though the texture varies depending on grit size, microscopic granules function to gently remove dead skins cells and promote circulation.

How much of the NeedCrystals microdermabrasion crystals should I use?

Mix a ½ teaspoon of the NeedCrystals microdermabrasion crystals for every 1 tablespoon of cream or face wash. Adjust proportionately when applying to other parts of the body.

Are there any conditions that hinder of use of microdermabrasion crystals?

If you have undiagnosed lesions, severe acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, or lupus, consult with a dermatologist before exfoliation. If you are currently nursing or using Accutane, discuss with your doctor whether microdermabrasion is right for you.

Is there anything microdermabrasion can’t do?

Microdermabrasion cannot heal severe scarring and burns or remove tattoos and dark pigmentation.

For more information on how to use microdermabrasion crystals at home, visit the

NeedCrystals blog.

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